Honda Indy

Honda Indy


Toronto is in its 32nd year of the city's premier racing event known publicly as the Honda Indy. This event has occurred for many years, including in our neighbour province, Quebec, with shows in the city of Montreal. Since 1986 there has only ever been one Canadian winner, Paul Tracy. Participants in the race have come from all across the globe, including contestants in some of the bigger countries in the world, the U.K., the U.S., Brazil and Australia, all who have received victory in one of Toronto's show. This year's race will be taking place on the 15th of July, in no better environment than the exhibition place. It is rumoured to be that Paul Tracey has been feeling tremendous pressure to claim victory once again for Toronto, which if succeeded, will be his third win. This event is so popular that road closure has already begun as hundreds or thousands of people, pile in to watch the heated competition and debate over who will bring home the cup. Best of luck to Paul Tracy. 


Kevin Lý 

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